How to Write When You Don’t Feel Like it: Part 3

This is the third in a series about how to overcome writer's block. Sometimes, I'm ready to write, but I've used up my idea list. Or, I'm starting on an entirely new direction. In soccer, someone has to kick the ball to get the game started. In writing, I have to kick-start myself to get my writing started.

My kick starts are ongoing. I'm always feeding my brain with reading, research, and conversations on different topics. Then my journaling mixes it up and creates magical results.

Reading and Conversation to Kick Start 

My kick-starts involve reading books, articles, and blog posts as well as conversations with colleagues and my mentor. I read topics that catch my interest that are directly related to my goals and my clients' goals. Still, most of the time, I read loosely related or seemingly unrelated things that attract my interest.

Journaling to Mix and Coalesce

Then while journaling, I unconsciously mix all I've absorbed with my process, my life, my business, my clients, my former clients, and anything else. I often end up with magically complete ideas for writing and projects. It's fun, too!

Questions for Reflection and Application

  •  What do you do to kick-start your writing?
  •  What fertilizes your ideas?
  •  Do you keep a journal? If so, how do you use it in your business and in your writing?

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Click on the links to read Part 2--Teensy Steps or Part 1--Dissolve the Wall.

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