Author Archives: Holly Genser

Create Your Ebook Step 5: Produce and Publish

You've determined how you can best meet them. You've written, revised, and tested your materials, and revised again. So, now it's time for step five of six steps to create your ebook or other information product: to produce, publish, and launch. ...

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Create Your Ebook Step 4: Test and Revise

This is the fourth step to create a your ebook or other information product. You researched your idea' clients' most pressing needs. You listed ideas for different topics. Then you organized ideas for a specific topic and wrote and revised your e-book. Now it's time to test it before you spend time and money to ...

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Create Your Ebook: Step 3

My last two articles discussed the first and second steps to create your ebook, Plan and Design. This article addresses the third step, Develop. Finally, you're ready to write your ebook! Here are my eight writers’ secrets to write, revise, and proofread, so you can write your ebook with ease and confidence. ...

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Create Your E-Book Step 2: Plan

My previous post, Create Your E-Book Step 1: Plan, discussed the questions that you need to answer before you can write. Today, I'm going to tell you about four considerations for Step 2: Design. These address selecting a format, structure, and audience engagement activities for your e-book. While some of these design considerations apply to ...

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How to Create an Ebook Step 1: Plan

I just finished writing my second e-book in one week, my third in a month. I want to share my secrets with you. Step 1 shows you how to plan an ebook by answer three key questions. ...

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