Create Your Ebook Step 5: Produce and Publish

You're almost done now! You've identified your clients' needs and problems. You've determined how you can best meet them. You've written, revised, and tested your materials, and revised again. So, now it's time for step five of six steps to create your ebook or other information product: to produce, publish, and launch.

 Finalize the Design and Publish

During the design step, you decided to create a specific type of e-book or other program or product. When you decide to create an e-book, you decide whether it's going to be a simple PDF document offered free or by a fee through an auto-responder on your website or whether it's going to be a physical book.

Publishing A Simple PDF Book

If you're creating a PDF document, your task is simple. You revise, you add a cover, and maybe add quotes, call outs from the book, case studies, or illustrations. Then you proof again and run your table of contents. Finally, you save the document as a PDF file. If you want security restrictions, you can use Acrobat Pro to save your document and set your restrictions.

Then you upload to your website and link to your auto-responder. And you add a cover picture, information about the book, and directions for downloading. If the book requires payment, then you'd set that up as well.

Publishing a Physical Book

If you are self-publishing a physical book in limited quantities to offer at a workshop or presentation, then you can take it to your local printer and have it spiral bound.

If you want to sell quantities of books on demand, then you will select a company to lay out the book, print it, and mail it as people request it. The company may provide full service, or you may want to select your own graphic designer to design the book cover and layout, and any illustrations.

Major publishing houses will work with you to design, edit, and lay out your book before printing.

Further instructions for self-publishing and publishing with a publishing company are beyond the scope of this article. I just want you to have some understanding about how production fits with the other five steps. You can find many good books in your local library, bookstore, or online about how to approach and work with a publisher and on how to self-publish.

Producing Other Products and Programs

If you're producing a video, teleseminar, webinar, or video, then your production tasks will change. For example, you'll record and edit your video and upload it to YouTube or other site and link to it on your website, or offer a series for sale. Or if you're offering a teleseminar or webinar, you'll set up a link with materials, set a date, and reserve time with the appropriate seminar or webinar service.


All this time, you will have a launch date in mind. The launch starts by introducing your topic with related blog posts or newsletter articles. Then, you'll start publicizing your upcoming book or program.

Finally, you'll offer a link to a page dedicated to telling your readers all about your new product or program. This is your landing page where you'll persuade people to download your book or video or sign up for your program.

In the next the post, I talk about evaluating your e-book, e-course, or program and evaluating the launch itself.

Questions for Reflection and Comment

  • What type of e-book are you offering, PDF, self-published book, or published book?
  • What design features will you include?
  • Who will design your book? Will you design it, or will you hire a designer?

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