What writing services do you offer?
job and career changers, I write résumés, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, bios, web pages, and more.
May I contact you between project meetings?
Yes! You may always email me with questions, materials, ideas, or other matters.
If a phone call is required, you or I may set up a time by email.
What are your writing fees?
Most projects are based on your specific needs and priced accordingly during your Discovery Consultation.
How do I pay you?
I use PayPal. You can send me money from your PayPal account OR you can use it as a guest and enter your credit card information. PayPal notifies me immediately of your payment.
If we meet for a Discovery Consultation, how long are your fees good for?
Fees in a quote or invoice are good for two weeks from the time of our initial discovery consultation. After that, they may or may not change.
Do you allow for writing project revisions?
Yes! You receive two revisions per document. Usually these revisions are only on the resume, but you have the option to ask for revisions on other documents.
Do you proofread projects?
I send your resume to my professional proofreader to minimize errors. However, you are responsible for the accuracy and final proofreading of your documents.
Therefore, you should review all work products carefully and specify any changes required. Then review them carefully again until the work is finished correctly.
What happens if I need changes to a writing project?
If your changes are within the original scope of the project and within the first 30 days, then the changes will be included.
On the other hand, if they are beyond project scope, such as for a different job target, or are requested after 30 days from the last draft or final document presented to you, I will quote you at my hourly rate to complete the work.
What if I need to cancel a writing project?
See my
refund policy.
How do I get started with writing services?
If you’re ready to explore how I can ease your job or career transition, I invite you to a Discovery Consultation. We’ll discuss your situation and goals and you'll be heard and understood.
If we agree that my services are a fit for you, I'll tell you more about how I work and your investment. If not, I may be able to refer you to some resources or to another provider.
Whatever you decide, you will have a clearer understanding of your challenges and learn something new about the modern job search.
To schedule a Discovery Consultation, click here.
Or, if you want to learn more about me first, click here.