Introverts: Work from the Inside Out

As an introvert, you:

  • Get energized from reading, creative or scientific pursuits, and/or close, personal interactions.
  • Enjoy deep and meaningful one-to-one and small group interactions.
  • Contribute deep thinking, feeling, creativity, and insight.

But, now you're feeling:

  • Stressed at work
  • Overwhelmed by the work environment, workload, or quantity of interactions required
  • Unfulfilled and unrecognized for your contributions.

Enjoy work with less stress

With a career coach for introverts who understands your needs, strengths, and concerns, you can:

  • Feel more relaxed, fulfilled, and in charge of your life and work.
  • Spend more time with family and pursuing other interests.
  • Do more meaningful work to contribute to a higher purpose.

As an introvert and career coach, I get you

I'm also an introvert (INFP on the Myers-Briggs) and a highly sensitive person. It took many job and career changes to inch closer and closer to work that suits me and to know how to take care of myself.

During my life, I've learned and developed many tools to bring forth my inner wisdom to understand my needs, resolve issues, and make decisions.

In fact, my interest in career development and career coaching began early in my career when I needed to find answers for myself.

So, my services help you align with your needs as an introvert, too

I offer lots of opportunities to reflect on your purpose, criteria, and values as well as gain confidence in one-to-one networking and job interviews. You can choose journaling, art journaling, and guided visualization, for example, during the phases of your career transition.

You will also learn to make career changes in ways that leverage your inner resources and strengths awhile managing the outer stresses of reaching out.

What clients say about me

“You nailed what was keeping me stuck, and the process you suggested was exactly what I needed to dissolve my inner blocks. I also felt understood and safe so I could open in ways I normally wouldn't. Holly, you have both a compassionate heart and a well of wisdom that you generously share. Thanks so much!” — Charo Pinilla Villaverde, Founder and Coach,  Tapping Your Purpose, Madrid Spain

“During my coaching program with Holly, I learned and applied structures, strategies, and resources that enabled me to narrow down what I want to do next in my career. With Holly's guidance, I also gained additional skills for building my professional network, including tools for conducting effective informational interviews.” — Shannon Brown, Orlando, FL

“I was fortunate to meet Holly when I was grappling with a particularly challenging issue at work. She gave me the tools I needed to find a successful solution. She listened and guided me. When I think of Holly's leadership style and results, I think of the philosopher Lao Tzu: But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say "We have done this ourselves.” Holly is one of the best leaders. — Carolyn D., Senior Editor, West Palm Beach, FL

Discover Your Next Step

If you are an introverted professional or leader who wants to find or create a new job or career in integrity with your values, contact me to schedule a discovery consultation.

We’ll discuss your situation and goals and you'll be heard and understood.

If we agree that my services are a fit for you, I'll tell you more about how I work and your investment. If not, I may be able to refer you to some resources or to another provider.

To schedule a Discovery Consultation, click here.

Or, contact me at 561-331-5057‬ and tell me about your situation. I'll get back with you within 24 hours weekdays.

Or, if you want to learn more about me first, click here.

Holly Genser, CCTC, NCRW, NCOPE